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Case Studies

Rapid Hydrate Plug Detection Solution for Subsea Pipelines.

Introduction In the deep waters off the coast of Angola, a major offshore operator faced a significant flow assurance issue with one of its 12-inch gas gathering flowlines. The suspected culprit? Hydrate plug. Hydrate formation is a major flow assurance concern for...

Rapid Hydrate Plug Detection Solution for Subsea Pipelines.

Introduction In the deep waters off the coast of Angola, a major offshore operator faced a significant flow assurance issue with one of its 12-inch gas gathering flowlines. The suspected culprit? Hydrate plug. Hydrate formation is a major flow assurance concern for...

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Rapid Hydrate Plug Detection Solution for Subsea Pipelines.

Rapid Hydrate Plug Detection Solution for Subsea Pipelines.

Introduction In the deep waters off the coast of Angola, a major offshore operator faced a significant flow assurance issue with one of its 12-inch gas gathering flowlines. The suspected culprit? Hydrate plug. Hydrate formation is a major flow assurance concern for...

Smooth Sailing with ACFM Crack Assessment on Cargo Ship Propellers.

Smooth Sailing with ACFM Crack Assessment on Cargo Ship Propellers.

The Archon Gabriel Bulk Carrier was navigating the cold waters of the Gulf of Finland. The harsh sea conditions, laden with sea ice, posed significant navigational challenges and resulted in the ship’s 6-meter diameter bronze propeller suffering ice damage. Given the...