Case Studies
Rapid Hydrate Plug Detection Solution for Subsea Pipelines.
Introduction In the deep waters off the coast of Angola, a major offshore operator faced a significant flow assurance issue with one of its 12-inch gas gathering flowlines. The suspected culprit? Hydrate plug. Hydrate formation is a major flow assurance concern for...
Smooth Sailing with ACFM Crack Assessment on Cargo Ship Propellers.
The Archon Gabriel Bulk Carrier was navigating the cold waters of the Gulf of Finland. The harsh sea conditions, laden with sea ice, posed significant navigational challenges and resulted in the ship’s 6-meter diameter bronze propeller suffering ice damage. Given the...
Diverless ACFM Inspection Solution for FPSO Bilge Keel Weld Integrity Assessment.
FPSO operators are increasingly seeking ways to inspect their hulls below the waterline without resorting to drydocking, a costly process that entails significant production loss, rendering it inefficient and logistically challenging. Recognising the benefits of a...
Tethered ILI Robotic Solution for Internal Riser and Pipeline Inspection
The Challenge bp sought a comprehensive, circumferential 360-degree scan of the riser. TSC Subsea provided the solution - a robotic system that could both travel longitudinally along the riser and had the ability to precisely stop and stabilise itself, in order to...
Innovative Approach to Subsea Pipelines Ovality Assessment with Dent Mapping and Wall Thickness Measurements.
The anchor was discovered during a pipeline jet trenching campaign using a multi-beam sonar system, producing a 3D image of the pipeline and the abandoned anchor on the ocean bed. Although the area was marked as a no-anchor zone, prohibiting vessels from...
Flooded Member Detection (FMD) of Complex Riser Caisson with Acoustic Resonance Technology (ART)
The Challenge TSC Subsea received a request from Ocean Infinity on behalf of Orsted, a Danish multinational energy company, to perform a comprehensive Flooded Member Detection (FMD) inspection on a Riser Caisson. The purpose of the caisson inspection was to ascertain...
Offshore Drilling Rig Weld Inspection with Diverless ACFM
The combination of ACFM (Alternating Current Field Measurement) technology and the MagCrawler offers a cost-effective, efficient, and reliable solution for inspecting critical welds on offshore jack-up drilling rig spudcan connections. This approach helps ensure the safety and uninterrupted operations of the client’s valuable asset.
Subsea Grout Integrity Assessment with ART
Grout integrity verification of subsea structures is now possible thanks to TSC Subsea’s innovative technology and the development of its unique solution, the ART GUIDE scanner.
Deploying dual NDT methods for the inspection of complex subsea welds.
The Challenge TSC Subsea received a request from a major operator, Equinor AS, to evaluate the feasibility of inspecting subsea welds on risers coated with thermally sprayed aluminium (TSA). Specifically, the inspection focused on assessing the fillet weld surrounding...
Inspecting Concrete Weight Coating (CWC) Pipes with SPECTA
The Challenge TSC Subsea was contracted by a client to carry out wall thickness assessment of Condensate Export Pipeline (CEP) and Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM) without removing the protective concrete weight coat (CWC). The assessment was required as the client...
Subsea Pipeline Sand Erosion Inspection with Subsea Phased Array (SPA)
TSC Subsea were challenged to investigate sand erosion concerns on subsea structure piping off the coast of Western Australia. The inspection campaign covered multiple assets including Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM), tie in spool and subsea cooling skid in the Halyard Field and a PLEM in the East Spar Field.
Custom Designed Extrados Scanner for Inspection of Subsea Gas Lift Riser
TSC Subsea rises to the challenge of scanning and data collection on small diameter pipe bends by developing a custom designed “extrados scanner” for inspection of gas lift risers.
Multiple technologies deployed on multiple inspections across multiple assets by a single inspection vendor achieves big savings for the client.
External Subsea Inspection of Flexible Risers
TSC Subsea’s Acoustic Resonance Technology (ART) is currently the only third-party validated method of subsea detection of liquid ingress in the annulus of flexible production risers. It is deployed using the ARTEMIS® tool which has a broad application range and can be used on risers and flowlines down to 3000m water depth.
Deployed for first time by mini ROV provides a proven solution for diverless ACFM® inspection of subsea welds
ACFM® MagCrawler™ Challenge On behalf of Stinger Technology AS, TSC Subsea were contracted to carry out a subsea, remotely- deployed Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM®) inspection at Repsol’s YME platform YME, located in the Egersund basin area in the...
ACFM NodeScanner™
TSC Subsea was contracted by Ocean Breeze Energy GmbH (OBE), for selected weld subsea inspections at the BARD Offshore1 wind farm in the German Bight. Commissioned during 2010-2013, the wind farm consists of 80 5MW turbines and a single Offshore Substation Platform...
Pushing the boundaries of deepwater hydrate detection capability
The ART vPush was designed and developed by TSC Subsea’s UK team, working closely with the company’s acoustic scientists based in Norway, to meet the specific needs of the operator for this project. They required an external pipeline medium inspection, through...
4” of Coating no Match for ART – Successful Testing & Campaign for multiple flowlines, risers, & Jumpers
The purpose of the inspection was to measure effective steel thickness through 4 inches of pipeline insulations made of Glass syntactic polypropylene and injection moulded polypropylene. Scanning operations were carried out at 2000 meters water depth. More than 40...
ART® vCaliper – The Solution for Tight Access Ovality and Wall Thickness Subsea Inspection
The Challenge TSC Subsea was initially contracted by C-Innovation to conduct weld inspections for a major operator in the GOM. Within its life extension plan, the operator is required to carry out crack detection of the column to pontoon welds as part of its UWILD...
When size matters, the ARTEMIS® vCompact will get you out of a tight spot
The Challenge Beach Energy Ltd contracted TSC Subsea to carry out a wall thickness inspection through coating on the 20” Otway pipeline located near the Thylacine A platform in the Bass Strait, Australia. The inspection was to determine the size and depth of corrosion...
Inspecting Tight Access Riser Guides with Bespoke ACFM Deployment System
The challenge Risers, and the riser guides that hold them in place, are subject to severe environmental conditions that often lead to fatigue damage. Failure of these structures could be potentially catastrophic so they must be inspected regularly to ensure structure...
Wall Thickness & Ovality Assessments for Hot Tapping Locations with ARTEMIS®
With operating and development costs rising in the North Sea, companies are required to operate more cost-efficiently and utilize their assets effectively. With many platforms now extending production well beyond their original design life, increased maintenance and...
ARTEMIS – Speed of Inspection Results in Large Cost Savings for Unpiggable Flowline
Situation 10” WI ”Unpiggable” Flowline 5 areas selected for inspection of corrosion/ erosion rate since previous inspection 4 mm Polyethylene and FBE coating Partially buried Onshore Blind Testing All 7 defects found with high degree of accuracy Results All defects...
High-resolution integrity inspection of a 24-year-old water injection pipeline
Challenge A major North Sea operator required accurate, high-resolution wall-thickness data to determine the integrity of a 24-year-old water injection pipeline. The measurements would enable the operator to assess corrosion growth to inform a risk-based inspection...
Coated Pipes for Blind Testing of ARTEMIS
Challenge A major operating company prepared four spool pieces for blind testingAll spool pieces contain corrosion features and are coated with a shrink wrap field joint coatingPrior to coating all of the pipes have been inspected using a standard AUT...